

Posted by Dr.Ghafoor September 17, 2009

What is for Sterility?

Sterility, also referred to as infertility, is defined as an inability to conceive a child after trying to do so for at least one year. Sterility can affect both men and women, with the cause involving either one or both parties.

For a man to be fertile, the testicles must produce enough healthy sperm to be ejaculated effectively into the woman's vagina.

For a woman to be fertile, the ovaries must release healthy eggs regularly. In addition, her reproductive tract must allow the eggs and sperm to pass into her fallopian tubes to become fertilized and implanted in the uterus.

Factors that Contribute to Sterility

Diagnosing Sterility

If you and your partner have been trying for more than a year to become pregnant, or both of you are over thirty and battling, it is good idea consult your gynecologist, obstetrician or urologist for further investigation.

It is important to undergo a thorough fertility evaluation to determine the problem.

Testing for Men
Testing for Women

What Causes Sterility?

Sterility is classified into two groups, primary and secondary.

  • Primary sterility means that a pregnancy has never occurred.
  • Secondary fertility involves one or both partners who have conceived previously, but are now unable to do so because of a possible physical or medical condition impairing fertility. A woman who keeps having miscarriages is also considered infertile.

Risk factors for both men and women are the same and these include age, stress, being underweight or overweight, diet, smoking, alcohol and drugs.

Age plays quite a critical role, as fertility peaks for both men and women in their mid-twenties. Male fertility starts declining in their thirties, while women older than 35 years may experience problems conceiving.

Certain medical conditions such as diabetes, thyroid deseases and anemia may also affect fertility.

The Most Common Causes of Male Sterility
Common Causes of Female Sterility

Help for Sterility

Sexual problems such as importance or premature ejaculation should be addressed. If a lack of sperm is suspected, surgery, hormones and assisted reproductive surgery can correct the problem.

It is also important to increase the frequency of intercourse by having well-timed sex regularly to improve fertility.

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to Sterility

Infertility in women may be treated with ovulation drugs, surgery, artificial insemination or assisted reproductive technology (ART). Other methods of ART also include donor eggs and embryos or gestational carriers (surrogate mothers). These treatments are quite costly and it is best to choose the one that you are most comfortable with.

Many of these treatment options may have harmful or unpleasant side effects such as nausea, headaches and weight gain. Fertility treatments have also been known to increase a woman’s chance of having twins, triplets or other multiples.

Natural and holistic treatments have been used for centuries to enhance fertility in men and women. Herbal and homeopathic remedies are gentle enough to support the reproductive system and its delicate mechanisms while still promoting libido, sexual stamina and sex drive. In addition, men should ejaculate regularly to improve the quality of sperm.


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